I was born and raised in Orange County, California where I grew up exposed to a variety of artistic mediums. Through high school education, I had the freedom to explore artistic passions within illustration, fine art, and literature. I chose to pursue a Graphic Design and Visual Arts degree at California Baptist University, where I was able to grow my current artistic passions but also discover new mediums in the form of video, photography, and print.

Throughout my university education, I learned that my desire to create fell in the categories of independent productions and creative outlets; especially those within print.

Post-grad I began an internship at Boys by Girl’s magazine, where it soon developed into a role as the permanent teams Art Assistant and working Social Media Manager.

My greatest desire is that of communally working with other creatives to strengthen their crafts, embark on personal projects, and grow a fellowship of artistic passion.



I hope to create my own community of free thinking artists who are not afraid to push themselves in their craft and push the Boundaries of creative thought.