pantone x wes anderson

In this collaborative promotional campaign, color company Pantone meets film director and recognizable cinematographer, Wes Anderson. In this hypothetical collab, I wanted to reimagine color and what it can mean in the hands of a modern artist. In an era of contemporary design, bright and blatant color use is scarcely seen. However, by the visionary likes of Wes Anderson, color is not simply an element of his vivid stories; instead it plays a role as necessary as his actors, settings, and the plot itself. Through this imaginary collab, I showcased the recognizable nature of Wes Anderson’s color use by creating a swatch-book, with each swatch focused on a particular film. In the website built to hypothetically showcase and sell the swatch-book, I also designed a catalog carrying viewers through Wes Anderson’s visual timeline across his film career, further explored in the website as well.

GZ Magazine

GZ Magazine was my design capstone project, where I focused my attention on a hundred page publication exploring a variety of characters within Generation Z. The publication in total consists of thirteen individual interviews asking a series of serious (and not so serious) questions, to truly showcase the members of a particularly divisive generation, and to ask questions to see if Gen Z’ers are really as different from you and I. Alongside a printed version of the magazine, I also developed a web version translating the print material into a more accessible digital format; as well as including links to outside digital content. the intention of GZ is to make it possible for a far removed generation to feel drawn closer, and to recognize that sometimes those who appear the most different from you may actually be far more similar than given credit for.